Lokasi Penempatan Paling Sejuk Di Dunia!

Mac 24, 2015
Bandar Oymyakon di Russia telah direkodkan sebagai penempatan paling sejuk didunia dengan suhu serendah -71°C, atau -95,8°F!. Hmm, terfikir juga bagaimana kehidupan masyarakat dekat sana. Sejuk tu..
The Coldest Inhabited Place in the World

The Coldest Inhabited Place in the World

The Coldest Inhabited Place in the World

The Coldest Inhabited Place in the World

The Coldest Inhabited Place in the World

The Coldest Inhabited Place in the World

The Coldest Inhabited Place in the World

The Coldest Inhabited Place in the World

The Coldest Inhabited Place in the World

The Coldest Inhabited Place in the World

The Coldest Inhabited Place in the World

The Coldest Inhabited Place in the World

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