Hasil seni pada tangga sekitar dunia.

November 19, 2014

16th Avenue Tiled Steps, San Francisco

10 Most Brilliant Steps Art Around the World

10 Most Brilliant Steps Art Around the World

Wuppertal, Germany

10 Most Brilliant Steps Art Around the World

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

10 Most Brilliant Steps Art Around the World

10 Most Brilliant Steps Art Around the World

Istanbul, Turkey

10 Most Brilliant Steps Art Around the World

Beirut, Lebanon

10 Most Brilliant Steps Art Around the World

Sicily, Italy

10 Most Brilliant Steps Art Around the World

Philadelphia Museum of Art

10 Most Brilliant Steps Art Around the World

Seoul, South Korea

10 Most Brilliant Steps Art Around the World

Valparaíso, Chile

10 Most Brilliant Steps Art Around the World

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